Leading Co-Creation - Six Lessons We Learned

Understanding user needs and motivations reduces the risk in decision-making during the development of products, services, buildings, systems, etc. However, navigating user engagement during participatory processes is often challenging; you may quickly end up with a wish list that not even Santa can deliver on. 🤷

July 22, 2024

Deja Kofol, Design Researcher

6 Guidelines to Maximise Value from Co-Creation

Understand your goal

The output of this project phase is the project brief - a document that will guide the development team to deliver a solution that fits user expectations as well as business goals and technological boundaries. Gather as much user input as you can, but make sure to include all perspectives in the final document and present them in a way that empowers the creative team, rather than daunts them.

Manage expectations

When starting collaboration with users, be very clear about what you are trying to achieve, what their role will be, and what your expectations are towards them. Allow them to share their own expectations too, see if you are aligned. Inform them about the steps you plan to take after their involvement. Transparency is key to avoiding disappointment.

Set boundaries

Especially when working with groups, it is essential to establish a safe and respectful environment. Consider power dynamics in the group and define do's and don’ts of communication. The more you guide their engagement with clear tasks, the smoother it will be.

Consider users' emotional biases

You want people to open up, be sincere, and provide objective data, but there may be different fears or motivations at play that will prevent them from doing so. You will have to earn their trust in you and the project let them see that you have their interests at heart.

Support your participants in accessing insights and communicating them

Often participants move into the solution scope, talking about ideas instead of needs, experiences and pain points - help them reframe their thinking. Additionally they may unintentionally provide false data about their preferences, decision making etc. Creating tasks and forming questions to help them navigate their thoughts and avoid miscommunication is a superpower.

Get people excited!

Having the right energy throughout the process will assist participants and you with navigating all of the listed challenges. Storytelling is key here; share previous projects you've undertaken and their results, make participants feel they are part of something great and that they are crucial to making it happen. And gamify!